Saturday 26 January 2013

Why Tumblr is bad (In my opinion)

Hey guys,

ICT project update: We have finished our final editing process, and next week, our final lesson, we will be watching the other groups videos, a lesson we can sit back and do nothing. I will ask Candy for the video so I can post it on Youtube to show it to you guys. 

11 days since there was a new post, I was a quite busy with homework this week, and just some normal stress. I'm fine.

Today I am here to talk about a bit of a controversal subject between bloggers: Tumblr. Tumblr turned famous in the past 2 years, and it is still growing. Reaching 1 Billion pageviews 4 months ago, was a big milestone to Tumblr.

I personally don't use Tumblr, because of one reason: The system is very confusing. That's why I stuck with Blogger.

Tumblr is known for its bad customer support, and it's unstable servers. A lot of people have reported to me, saying that from time to time that their blog is not even accesible. My first reply is: What the hell?

Also, it's design is so confusing. I cannot seem to navigate around some blogs, taking an example of my friend's blog. I just cannot seem to find my way through. Can you?

Look at the stuff. What does those photos of products mean? I just have no idea.

Although I know that this is a theme, but who uses such a confusing one? I see a lot of blogs use this kind of themes, which is just not suitable for a blog.

Also, the following system is very confusing, no one in my class who use Tumblr, can tell me the following system means, because it is so confusing. Unlike Blogger or ANY other Blogging systems, their following system is very simple, you follow or you don't.

So, after reading this, would you use Tumblr? I swore that I will never use Tumblr, trust me.


  1. Yes, I'd keep usin Tumblr. Whatever it takes.

  2. Your choice! :) It's just my opinion though, and for referencing.

  3. I think the fact that people are choosing confusing themes shouldn't be in relation to the actual tumblr platform... I think you'll find that everything else is actually quite amazing :) P.S. Most blogs are easy to access, once you get used to where things are usually placed!
